In today’s Roll Call, The Winston Group’s David Winston covers Trump’s first day in office.

Beyond the pardons, as Inauguration Day progressed, the contrast between the policies of Biden and Trump was astonishingly obvious. After four years of bad decisions, Trump sent a clear signal that a new sheriff was definitely back in town and determined to change not only the nation’s priorities but how the government would implement those policies. Quite a change from the early days of the first Trump administration.

… Sure, out of the slew of executive orders signed Monday, there are a few that fit the unorthodox category, but Trump may just have set a new precedent of his own with his “shock and awe” policy offensive, which embodies Trump’s journey back to the White House. Given the scope of his executive orders on Day 1, he may just have made Inauguration Day the most important day of every president going forward. 

Read the full piece here.